Marianne Is a incredible attorney and very knowledgeable.. Marianne took my case in 2017 and did a amazing job. after being denied twice over 10 years, Marianne was able to get me my disability and most importantly, help me to be patient and not be stressed..I don’t have enough words to describe how great she is..If you are needing a attorney to help you threw the extremely lengthy and confusing ssd or SSI prosses, Call Marianne…. I am so greatfull and she has saved my life.

Jay Burt –

Marianne provided us great confidence from the very beginning that our Social Security claim will be settled sooner rather than later. After being denied claims a couple of times prior, it was just what we needed at the time. We would have saved ourselves a lot of time, emotion and money had we went with her from the beginning. I would encourage anyone in need of guidance and counsel to contact her as soon as possible in the process. So much weight has been taken off our shoulders. Looking back on it, she kept us informed throughout the entire process. Told us what to expect, gave us best and worst case scenarios, there were no surprises. It would be difficult to find a kinder, better informed, more knowledgeable counselor in the county. We wish her the very best in the future, God Bless her.

Joe April 2020

I have worked with Marianne Hoke for 4 years now. Their is something special about finding professionals who make you feel valued. Every time I have an exchange with Mrs. Hoke, I feel happier and valued. I would highly recommend her!

Brett 2016

Please note: Cases differ and prospective clients may not receive the same or similar results.